Mars City Academy : Corso Space Economy: Introduzione Dave Anilkumar Category: Video ChannelMarch 9, 2023Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:A Mars Greenhouse in VRNextNext post:Free Daily news on Mars City Academy: www.marscity.academyRelated PostsWhat is an Analogue Mars Simulation Mission A conversation with analogue astronautsJanuary 15, 2024Course on Rocket by Alan Offer on marscity.academyNovember 13, 2023Free Daily news on Mars City Academy: www.marscity.academyMarch 10, 2023A Mars Greenhouse in VRJanuary 31, 2023MarsTV novembre 22October 25, 2022First Episode of the Mars TV on line – Federica Sorrentino HostSeptember 19, 2022